One of the most unpleasant diseases, which appears suddenly and causes a lot of trouble, is onychomycosis. Some treat it for years, others - only a few months. Why so? This is because there is one important rule: if the symptoms of nail fungus are detected at an early stage, your treatment time will be significantly reduced.
Unfortunately, not everyone is able to recognize it immediately after infection. Fungal spores "inhabit" the territory of human skin gradually, so you should pay attention to the slightest suspicious changes in the skin and nails, so as not to miss the first signs of this disease.

Causes and signs of fungal infection of the feet
Few examine their feet carefully every day. Often not everyone can recognize toenail fungus, as different types of spores can live on the surface of the skin for a long time, while not showing up in any way. For example, fungi of the genus Candida are usually present on everyone's feet. We are talking about conditionally pathogenic flora, which under certain unfavorable conditions causes the development of the disease. What can serve as an impetus for the emergence of fungi?
- Immunodeficiency conditions (cancer, congenital pathologies, autoimmune diseases, AIDS, hepatitis and others).
- Diabetes. The so-called diabetic foot is very often affected by fungi and bacteria due to impaired blood flow, as well as the formation of ulcers and non-healing wounds.
- Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating of the skin. Because nail fungus feels great in a humid and warm environment, it is not difficult to recognize them on the skin of a person suffering from excessive sweating.
- Endocrine disorders.
Onychomycosis is very easy to infect, for example in a swimming pool, sauna or gym. Fungal spores can settle on the skin where there are cracks, wounds and damage. It is important to diagnose the disease at the first signs, because the outcome of treatment directly depends on it. Usually onychomycosis can be divided into several stages, each of which has a number of symptoms.
- Initial stage: the skin on the feet is itchy and slightly flaky, the external manifestations of the fungus, as we are used to seeing in the picture, usually do not happen. You may feel unusually dry skin, nothing more.
- The next stage is characterized by the appearance of red spots or whitish plaque on the skin of the foot and between the toes. It all depends on the type of fungus that has affected your feet. The spots are available in different sizes and are usually well defined with scaly borders. The white coating resembles powder or flour.
- In addition, fluid bubbles begin to form on the feet, they are distributed unevenly on the surface of the skin and burst over time. An ulcer forms at the site of the ruptured balloon, which does not heal for a long time.
- It is possible to identify toenail fungus in one of the last stages, as changes in the nail plate often begin after the appearance of itchy skin and ulcers. The nail thickens noticeably. You can see how much it peels and the free edge crumbles. The color of the nail plate also changes: to yellow-green, brown or even black. It separates from the nail bed, exposing it.

Detected onychomycosis: what to do?
In case you notice the above manifestations of the feet, you should immediately visit a dermatologist, mycologist - a specialist in the study of fungi or podiatrist (doctor, specialist in foot and nail problems). You will definitely be prescribed a nail fungus test to find out the type and extent of the infection. Onychomycosis most often occurs when the foot is affected by a fungus:
- Trichophytos,
- Dermatophytes,
- Spores of the genus Candida.
If the initial stage of nail fungus is characterized by only a few minor signs and is localized on only one of the feet, as you can see in the picture, then you are in luck.

Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a standard regimen of treatment with antifungal drugs that effectively kill the fungus.
For therapy, the use of ointments, creams, sprays and special nail polishes is recommended.
Unfortunately, sometimes a person notices the appearance of fungus on the toenails, when the initial stage is long gone.

From the photo you can easily determine that the disease is progressing: the calendula is deformed, peels off the nail bed and changes color, deep and painful cracks have formed between the toes, both feet are affected by the fungus. In such a situation will help antibiotic therapy, as well as treatment with immunostimulating and anti-allergic drugs, as well as taking vitamins. You can supplement the complex therapy with recipes from traditional medicine: baths with herbal decoctions, sea salt and soda, treatment with vinegar solution, applications with garlic, lard and other ingredients.
In the most extreme case, the marigold affected by onychomycosis is surgically removed or cut in the office of a pedicurist (podiatrist) using a special cutter.
Now you know how the fungus on the feet manifests itself, the reasons for its appearance and how to deal with it. We hope you found this information useful.