Find out how to determine the nail fungus and distinguish it from the injury, and also learn to distinguish the nail sponge from the onycholysis of the feet with the help of our tips and recommendations.
7 March 2025
The main signs of fungus on the skin of the feet. Description of different types of fungi. General principles of treatment of infection. Preventing leg bending.
24 December 2023
Mycoid infection easily penetrates the body, infecting internal organs and systems. It is important to detect the first signs of foot fungus in time, as the disease is difficult to treat.
16 December 2023
What is a fungal nail infection? Classification of antifungal tablets. How to choose medicines and how to use them correctly. Review of the most effective antifungal agents.
7 December 2023
Interdigital mycosis (fungus between the fingers): causes and symptoms. Causes of mycosis. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of fungus between the fingers. Advice and recommendations from a podiatrist.
29 November 2023
Nail fungus polish is a convenient and effective treatment. Which varnish is the best, how much such products cost, and how to use healing varnishes correctly.
20 November 2023
How to deal with fungal diseases with varnishes. What to look for when choosing a tool. Preparations with which the active substance is most effective.
24 May 2022
How to recognize the fungus on the feet and how to get rid of them? Effective means of traditional medicine and their application.
17 May 2022
How to effectively treat toenail fungus at home? This will help folk recipes with garlic, iodine, lemon, soda.
6 May 2022
Who to contact with nail fungus: dermatologist or mycologist. The first signs you need to go to the doctor. General principles for the treatment of onychomycosis.
20 April 2022
The article discusses how to treat fungus on the feet between the toes, what are the characteristics of modern treatment and complete elimination of athlete's foot.
18 April 2022
The treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies is appropriate and effective. Learn how to get rid of the disease without pharmaceuticals - with the help of soda, iodine, propolis, kombucha and other means.
15 April 2022
The signs of fungus on the feet depend on the type of pathogen of the infectious process and the volume of the affected foot and nail plate and at different stages have certain differences.
7 April 2022
It is necessary to understand in more detail how to treat foot fungus at home to get rid of this problem quickly.
6 April 2022
How does the fungus on the feet manifest itself? How to treat it? What are the ways of infection? Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease. Pharmacological agents. Folk recipes to fight infection.
3 April 2022
It is not always possible to get rid of nail fungus quickly, but you should not delay treatment because there are so many proven methods that ensure that the disease will disappear. The article contains effective ways to fight fungal infection.
3 April 2022
Characteristics of the use of drops of fungus on the toenails, the action and use of drugs, contraindications.
2 April 2022
Causes, symptoms and signs, types of toenail fungus in children and adults. Possible complications and infection prevention.
1 April 2022
The use of celandine to treat nail fungus. The substances that make up the sap of the plant make it possible to use it to kill the fungus. Recipes of traditional medicine with celandine for fungal infection.
1 April 2022
Rules for using apple cider vinegar to get rid of toenail fungus: recipes with vinegar and their use.
1 April 2022
How the initial stage of toenail fungus manifests itself: characteristic signs and symptoms. Methods of treatment of onychomycosis with drugs and folk remedies. Prevention of infection.
31 March 2022
Rules for the treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies: the best and most effective recipes.
19 March 2022
What are foot fungus. Why it occurs. How to treat fungus with folk remedies. How to treat with drugs. How to treat during pregnancy.
28 February 2022
It is advisable to study how to treat foot fungus at home with folk remedies, because it is easier to get rid of the infection in the initial stage. Learn more about effective recipes.
26 November 2021
Fungal infections of the toes are a very common condition. Why does it occur and how does it manifest itself? How to cure a fungal infection with traditional and folk remedies? The answers in the article.
23 August 2021
Itching between the fingers is a fairly common disease among the population. More often it is just a symptom of another disease. It can be anything: from genetic problems to fungal diseases.
25 June 2021
What "tales" do not tell the "experts" about onychomycosis, a fungal infection that affects the nails. Let's talk about nail fungus without myths and misconceptions.
16 June 2021
Fungal infections (mycoses) are different. You may notice some changes in the skin or nail plates. It remains to be decided whether it is a fungus or not.
5 June 2021
Cracks between the fingers can be the result of fungus on the skin and nails: causes, clinical picture, treatment.
26 May 2021
There are two types of fungi, the causes of which are quite similar, as they are caused by the same virus. Fungus on the feet, fungus on the nails: symptoms of the spread of infection, how to prevent the appearance of fungus, treatment.
23 April 2021
Nail fungus is onychomycosis, which leads to deformity of the nails. Learn about the causes and means of treating nail fungus, nail treatment.
18 April 2021
You will learn how to treat toenail fungus with folk remedies and medicines by reading the article.
14 April 2021
The best remedy for toenail fungus and how to cheaply treat the infection? Local preparations, varnishes and folk remedies for therapy.
11 April 2021
Effective remedies for toenail fungus from the pharmacy and prepared at home. How to use them, what are the contraindications and side effects.
2 April 2021
How do fungi become infected? How to prevent fungal infection. Folk remedies and pharmaceuticals for the fungus. Preventive methods.
2 April 2021
An article on the treatment of toenail fungus, how and how to treat it. A parasitic fungus that has settled on the skin is capable of poisoning everyone's life. And especially a lot of trouble and grief causes fungus that has settled on the skin of the feet and nails.
1 April 2021
Fungal diseases can affect various tissues of the body, even internal organs. If the disease has affected the nail, it is called onychomycosis.
31 March 2021
To defeat nail fungus, doctors prescribe various remedies for foot fungus. In the pharmacy chain at the moment they are presented in a wide range - tablets, sprays, as well as varnishes and ointments.
31 March 2021
It is important to know how to recognize nail fungus in the initial stage: how to determine the symptoms and the first signs of the disease, as well as the causes of its appearance, read here.
31 March 2021
Few people know what fungus looks like on the skin of the feet. It is unknowingly that many people take a fungal infection for a general irritation or allergic reaction.
31 March 2021
Toenail fungus: causes, symptoms and proper treatment will be advised by a doctor. Medicines for the treatment of nail fungus, alternative methods, patient feedback.
31 March 2021
How to treat toenail fungus at home? What means to use, medicines or prescriptions of traditional medicine?
31 March 2021